In addition, the autumn forage growth of established perennial clovers is better than that of recently germinated annual clovers. Compared to white clover, a common part of lawns in the past, microclover has smaller leaves, grows lower to the ground, and doesn't grow in clumps. However, because clover adds nitrogen to the soil, its more likely that it will help your grass stay healthy instead of competing with the rest of your lawn. Its tiny leaves are about one third the size of traditional clover, and it doesnt clump together, making it look less like a weed and more like the even green lawns people love. Note: The recommended mowing height for micro clover is 3"-3.5". - Ask Extension. Is there a legitmate difference in Miniclover vs Dutch White Clover? While you can find several varieties of clover, there are a few that are best for backyards and lawns. Micro clover also works well in . Clover's deep roots help your lawn stay greener, longer during short-term drought conditions and requires less frequent watering than some traditional grasses. Its an excellent grass blend that does really well in NJ and up into New England (its what I use to overseed my lawn every other year). It is usually grown in pastures, but can also be cut for hay (one cutting only). While dog urine can discolor most grasses, clover isnt affected by it and will remain green and attractive. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Sarahs blog, Lawn Chick, is read by over 2 million homeowners each year and she is regularly cited as an expert source of lawn care knowledge by major publications. Dear Sarah, Today, for everyone who says that clover is a weed, you will hear another homeowner explain why theyre turning to a micro clover lawn or a blend of micro clover with more traditional turf grasses. Topsoil will help retain moisture for the first couple weeks after planting. When planting a new lawn with micro clover, prepare the top 4 to 6 inches of your soil by tilling and adding compost. Where can I get true Microclover? Some experts say it grows best in zones without extremely high temperatures and extended periods of drought. Micro Clover Lawn (Why You Should Consider One) - Lawn Chick Do you know what is causing that? A good way to determine the usefulness of various clovers in a given situation is to simply purchase some seed and make trial plantings. It has smaller leaves and fewer flowers than white clover, and it grows lower to the ground (4-6 inches tall). Micro Clover is a dwarf cultivar of white clover characterized by smaller leaflets and fewer blooms. Another drawback is that its a short-lived perennial and, as such, may require reseeding every 2 to 3 years. While clover is certainly nothing new, the buzz has been focused on the latest varieties of white clover that have been bred for smaller and smaller leaf sizes. I am afraid it would be crowded out on its own. Its a little pricey, but a very high quality micro-clover that you can expect to stay true when it self-seeds. 8. For most people the elevated up-front cost will provide savings in the long run. It is one of the most tolerant clovers to drought and low fertility conditions. As a nitrogen-fixing plant, it pulls nitrogen gas out of the air and converts it into a nutrient. This is important to soil because, when growing other plants, nitrogen is naturally lost. White Clover - Penn State Extension Microclover ( Trifolium repens L. var. Some of the delicate seeds will get caught in the grass blades and never make it to the ground. Besides wasting a precious natural resourcewaterregular and heavy watering can result in runoff of pesticides and other chemicals, which pollute our waterways and poison wildlife. Annuals reproduce only from seed, while perennials propagate through both seed and spreading roots. Keep the soil moist until germination. After a decade gracing European lawns, micro clover has arrived in North America as the next big thing in lawn alternatives. This is particularly true with so many droughts happening nowadays I wouldnt be surprised if everyone switched to micro clover as a result. Science Learning Hub. Microclover - Good Nature Home Gently rake in the seed for an even distribution and good soil contact. A good plan would be to contact your local extension office to see if micro clover is right for your area. Prior to the introduction of broadleaf herbicides in the 1950s, clover was a valued component of lawn seed mixtures for its ability to fix nitrogen, enrich the soil, and improve turfgrass growth. There are two main questions to ask yourself before you begin: If you plan to seed micro clover into an existing lawn, be sure to mow close to the soil surface and aerate first. Once you start mowing it, however, the tight compactness of leaves will start to become apparent. When this top growth dies, it can leave bare spots in your lawn. This kind of grass is perfect for including micro clover. Great questions Ill try to respond to each below: In my experience micro clover tends to be about 25% more drought tolerant than traditional grass. However, a purely Micro Clover lawn is not that popular for one main reason. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. If good bacteria are present in the soil, then there is sufficient nitrogen to give your grass and clover a good start. If you live in an appropriate climate region, you might consider adding micro clover to your existing grass for a lush and healthy lawn all season. All trademarks are either the property of Central Garden & Pet Company, its subsidiaries, divisions, affiliated and/or related companies or the property of their respective owners. A bunchgrass might be a great alternative in the buffer area. What should I do? It also doesn't clump as easily as white clover, so it blends well with other grasses. The first step to forgiving yourself for having clover in your yard is understanding why it is there and then deciding if its benefits outweigh your pride. White clover seed for lawns costs an average of about $4 per pound. First, Microclover seed is expensive. 10. This summer was unusually tough in terms of how dry it was. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Depending on the region, clover is semi-evergreen or evergreen and tends to thrive in full sun to partial shade. While it is defined by many as an eco-friendly alternative to lawn grass, people may still consider clover to be a lawn weed. A full-blown stand of micro clover requires between 2 and 5 pounds of seed per 1000 square feet of lawn. Instead, prevent weeds from colonizing your lawn by starting with clean, nutritious soil at the correct pH. What Can Be Sprayed on Mold That Will Not Kill Grass or Hurt Animals or Humans? Degree in Neuroscience, and is the owner and founder at Live Love Fruit. It is said the Miniclover is a dwarf variety of Dutch White, but will revert to full size if not mowed. Ive had a great lawn for years and get complimented on it. Follow these simple steps on how to grow a clover lawn: RELATED: Keep Off the Grass: 5 Alternatives to a Traditional Lawn. There are many clover lawn options to choose from. So I dont really think that Black Beauty Ultra will be more drought tolerant than micro clover, but the drought tolerance may be comparable based on what I saw in my neighborhood this summer. Why You Should Consider a Micro Clover Lawn (The Mini Clover Trend All clover is considered a legume capable of turning atmospheric nitrogen gas into an organic form of nitrogen. Clover lawns attract bees and other pollinators, including butterflies. Clover forms dense clumps that spread by their secondary roots and will out-compete broadleaf weeds, so it effectively acts as its own herbicide. Annual clovers are not widely used in the northern United States, but some acreage of a few species is spring-planted in this area. Microclover also flowers less than white clover, reducing the chances that children (and adults) will suffer bee stings when playing outside. I'm looking into overseeding my current lawn with clover for the multiple benefits that clover offers. What Ive come to find is that micro clover is a much more sustainable and environmentally-friendly option over grass. Micro clover (sometimes spelled as microclover) is a small variety of white clover well worth consideration for spring lawn renovation. Success! Remember what you planted and where, so when you have success, youll know which variety to spread further. Appearance aside, clover naturally gives back to your soil. The primary clovers used in lawns are strawberry, white and red, most of which grow in USDA hardiness zones 3 to 10. Unfortunately, they don't eat blackberry or Tansy, only my flowers, shrubs, and vegetables! Bred for low height and small leaves, it can be used as a standalone ground cover or as 2% - 5% of a lawn mix. And with the demand for Microclover outpacing the supply, prices are not expected to go down anytime soon. NOTE: This publication provides general information which applies in most cases. Hi Sarah, The Teeny-Tiny Clover Trend: Does Microclover Live Up to the Hype Tyler, The white microclover lawn is very dense, very lush, and very beautiful. But another great reason to seed micro clover into your grass is to make your existing lawn healthier. They grow very close to the ground. Im not sure I can exactly quantify the difference BBU and other high-quality fescue-based grasses compare to traditional lawn grass, but my gut feeling is that the drought tolerance improvement may be similar (about 25%). In this area, Southern blight disease caused by prolonged periods of high heat and humidity is deadly to micro clover. However, as they were picking along, I watched a few of them feeding on red clover leaves. For this method, all you have to do is toss out seeds and water them, just as you would with grass seed. Water your clover until it is fully established (especially if you live in a hot, dry climate). If a stand of an annual clover is present in an area for more than one year without being replanted, it is due either to reseeding or delayed germination of previously planted seed. Micro clover (trifolium repens var. Has smaller leaves than dutch white clover. I recommend Sundays Lucky Lawn clover and grass seed blend. Using pruning shears or scissors, cut the offshoot to separate it from the mother plant. White clover is a low-growing forage legume used predominantly in pasture mixtures with grasses. If the clover looks not so happy after mowing, just wait a day or two for it to pick up! Microclover doesnt grow well in shade, so it is only suitable for areas receiving direct sunlight. Clover, therefore, does the work of a fertilizer, eliminating that additional expense for gardeners. With a less invasive clump-forming habit, the microclover tends to have a lower growth rate, fewer flowers, and smaller leaves. Keep reading to learn more about clover lawns and whether or not its a viable option for your outdoor space. What are the pros and cons of planting a 100% micro cover as a turf replacement ground cover? Second, Microclover might not stay micro forever. Hello,I've recent read about mini or micro clover, but still have questions about pros and cons of growing it. It seems to be pretty popular amongst grazers. If you dont mow your clover very often, the plants will start to produce little white flowers that not only look super cute, but help the insects, too. This means that it can cost as little as $1 to seed 1,000 square feet. Years ago, it was a desirable part of lawns. What is Microclover and Why is it Good for My Lawn? Disease, insects, soil needs? In this case, you would not need to buy seeds coated with nitrogen. Plus, who doesnt want the opportunity to look for a four-leaf clover? So this does raise some questions: Given your reply above, are you saying my BBU lawn should be more drought tolerant than micro-clover? It also doesnt bloom as much or as often as standard white clover, and if mowed every now and then, it will not bloom at all. Her goal is to meet you where you are, and help you achieve a yard youll be proud of. They're both Trifolium repens and have the same functioning parts. Soil conditions, expected climatic conditions, and grower objectives are important factors influencing which clovers will be the correct one(s) to plant in a particular situation. Ground Cover: clover makes a great filler for spots of the lawn that are dead or just need some filling in. Decomposing clover roots leave macropores in the soil. You can attempt to overseed an established lawn with micro clover by raking the lawn well, and scratching the surface a bit. That means more money in your pocket as you save from spending it on lawn care companies to aerate your lawn. Micro clover lawn pros and cons. It might be a nice added crop if planted at a low rate. A single 5 pound bag will overseed 2,500 square feet! Over time, this might mean less frequent mowing is required to maintain a manicured lawn appearance. Frequent use of broad-spectrum herbicides and pesticides (particularly synthetic pesticides) can be toxic to people and animals, and it can negatively impact local ecosystems and waterways. Arrowleaf clover requires well-drained soil. If I missed anything or have created other questions, please feel free to holler! This happens with some beautiful hybrid perennials in my garden that have been recently developed by breeders if I dont cut off the seed-head theyll self-sow and revert back to a less-attractive version of the same plant either a different size, color, or growth habit often obscuring the nice foliage or flowers I loved on the original plant I purchased. The next step is to lay down an inch or more of fresh topsoil to the planting area to give the new seedlings a helping hand at growing. More recently, however, gardeners have sought out clover for use in lawns for several reasons: It fixes nitrogen into the soil, thus requiring less fertilizer; it thrives in shady or poorly drained soil, unlike conventional lawns; and its drought-resistant, remaining a nice, cool green in even the hottest climates. By itself, clover doesnt hold up well to repeated heavy foot traffic or playing fields, However, when blended with turfgrass, it can make a strong lawn and take occasional heavy traffic. Prepared by Dr. Don Ball, Extension Agronomist/Alumni Professor (Auburn University) and Dr. Garry Lacefield, Extension Agronomist/Professor (University of Kentucky) on behalf of the Oregon Clover Commission, Salem, OR. I agree it can be tricky to know exactly what youre getting, Sanford. I believe that claim I tested some out in a 5 gallon bucket once and when I turned the bucket over you wouldnt believe the root mass! Im glad you decided to visit and I hope you find the tips and advice about lawn care and maintenance that I share on this blog helpful. Use a Scotts spreader to apply clover seed over existing lawn. White clover (aka Dutch clover) crowds out weeds, thanks to its dense roots and fast growth, so theres no need to use herbicides on a clover lawn. If you have white clover ground cover, it can appear patchy and bare in heavily traveled areas. I recently expanded a vegetable garden and turning over my grass with a shovel was made much more difficult with the long roots, but I figured thats the price you pay for a good lawn. I have an underground sprinkler system, but our town only allowed us to water once a week. Clover is primarily used as a legume component in grazing systems and cover crops as it provides forage diversity and fixes nitrogen as well. Additionally, when a dogs got to go, a dogs got to go. According to West Coast Seeds, the plants respond to mowing by hugging the ground more, with smaller leaves and shorter flower stems. Over time, they take on a compact, snug appearance. Further, the traditional white clover plant that appeared in lawns tends to form big clumps that suppress desirable grasses. It is a great quality micro clover seed mixed with fescue that blends seamlessly with most lawns. Clover seed is highly affordable. Wear Tolerant: The wear tolerance of turf containing Miniclover or microclovers will exceed that of traditional lawn grasses. Prevent anyone from walking on the seeds for at least four weeks after sowing so that the plants have a chance of establishing themselves. Pros and Cons of Micro Clover Lawn | Lawn Model Rose clover produces many hard seeds, and reseeding is often good. In that setting, it is only utilized for 2 crop years before removal. However, others claim micro clover is more drought tolerant than most grasses due to its root structure. Nitrogen Fixer: clovers are actually legumes, which improve the fertility and health fo the soil. Yes, you canafter its established. She has helped hundreds of thousands of individuals to re-connect with their bodies and learn self-love through proper eating habits and natural living. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. This publication provides general information regarding a number of points that should be considered when deciding which clovers to plant. Thus, there are situations in which use of an annual clover with perennial grass is preferable. But there are reasons you might want to stick to regular white Dutch clover. Due to its low growth profile, it's considered one of the best clovers for lawns. While manicured monocultural lawns may look nice, they have drawbacks, such as depriving pollinators of food and habitat and requiring greater water consumption, maintenance, and chemical treatment than a clover lawn requires. Start by determining the square footage of the area you . Within 100 miles of the Gulf Coast, it often produces more autumn and winter forage than any other clover,but because it does not have good cold tolerance, production declines as it is planted farther north. The most hardy variety has similar winter hardiness to arrowleaf clover or crimson clover, but varieties often grown in western states are much less cold tolerant. Sow clover seed at roughly 6 to 8 ounces per 1,000 square feet. The seeds are small, so do your best to maintain this level of distribution across your lawn. Although it can be quite productive, ball clover has a shorter growing season and often yields less than other commonly grown annual clovers.It is a prolific seed producer even under high stocking rates, and a high percentage of the seed are hard seed. In this approach, youre treating it like a ground cover, which adds an element of diversity to the space. Micro clover has several benefits, but this plant's drawbacks can also be a deal-breaker for others. One concern I would have is already addressed later in your questions. 10 Reasons Why a Clover Lawn is Better Than a Grass Lawn Thus, it is an excellent reseeder. But first, we need to discuss the difference between clover and micro clover, because there is quite a bit of confusion between the species! Lawn trials show that mixes of 5 to 10% microclover will maintain the benefits of a clover lawn and keep weeds at bay. Thanks in advance.. Craig. One of the easier options for getting started is to add seeds to your existing space a little at a time. That makes me wonder if they are the same except the mini clover is trained to stay lower by mowing. Though widely adapted, it is best suited to soils which have good moisture-holding ability. Mixes well with turf-type tall fescue (and Kentucky bluegrass) and provides a uniform appearance; Provides an organic source of nitrogen (in grass clippings and as it decays) to support turfgrass growth; may reduce one nitrogen application per year; Does not tolerate high heat and drought; starts to die when cool-season turfgrass enters dormancy in the summer; requires reseeding for persistence; Top growth dies back in the winter which can leave bare spots and lead to erosion; Seeds are expensive and not readily available in retail stores; Most broadleaf herbicides labeled for use on tall-fescue will kill microclover; Bees attracted to the flowers may be undesirable for people with bee sting allergies; Southern blight disease can be a problem occasionally in prolonged periods of high humidity and high nighttime temperatures. When first planted, water daily to speed germination and help establish a strong root system. RELATED: 15 Natural Pest-Control Strategies for Your Home Landscape. Before adding the seed, mow your lawn extra close to the soil surface. I would have concerns about mice and voles really working the planting over. West Coast Seeds has it (heres the link) if you want to buy directly from a company and cant find what youre looking for on Amazon. Sunday makes it easy to transform your lawn. Keep some seeds left behind in case you have to fill any holes after the fact. In fact, microclover will grow more densely and produce smaller leaves the more frequently it is mowed, which is ideal if you want a traditional green lawn look. Less Fertilizer: because of its nitrogen-fixing abilities, clover does not have to be fertilized. White clover can tolerate close grazing but persists best if allowed a period to recover. The blog editor at, Shannon lives on six acres of land with her husband, daughters, and backyard poultry flock. So why would you want to plant clover with itty-bitty leaves? The KBG lawn still looked more crispy than either of ours despite his daily waterings. Clovers are wonderful plants that can contribute greatly to forage/livestock programs,to soil stabilization, and in other situations in which plant vegetation is desired. A clover-only planting would worry me in regard to its ability to keep the weeds out. Grows 4 to 6 inches tall. However, in the Southeast they can be a companion to certain warm season perennial grasses on sites that offer good moisture availability during much of the growing season. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Clover has much deeper roots than turf, so planting clover instead of grass means youll spend far less time and money watering your lawn. While most plants appreciate some shade in the heat of summer, too much shade will cause microclover lawns to struggle. 11. Ball clover is best suited to heavy soils, but is surprisingly well adapted to fairly dry sites as well. Microclover offers homeowners the opportunity to enjoy lower maintenance lawns longer in the growing season. "The Role of Clover." Coated seeds contain the essential bacteria that clover needs to effectively fix nitrogen. The advantages include having a naturally healthy lawn without having to use much, if any, nitrogen fertilizer. As mentioned previously, micro clover is not right for everyone. Is there a legitmate difference in Miniclover vs Dutch White Clover Microclover is a variation of white clover. In many areas red clover plants can live for 2 years (and occasionally longer), but in the lower South it often acts as an annual. These are all perennial clovers, as opposed to annual clover types that complete their life cycles in a single year. Start in early spring (mid-March to mid-April) to allow clover seed time to get established before cold weather arrives. Homeowners were generally OK with this, however, because clover flowers attract bees, and no one wants a child running across the lawn to get stung. Missouri Botanical Garden. Generally, this was white clover (Trifolium repens). Just from reading that website it seems like the major difference is that mini clover has smaller leaves and visually blends into the look of a turf grass lawn better than ordinary clover. Might be many opportunities for great photos! In fact, there are plenty of pesticides and products on the market that will tell you how to get rid of clover. A clover lawn may be the right choice for your region. 2. All content copyright document.write( new Date().getFullYear() ); Pennington Seed, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Coated seeds are more expensive, but they are easier to apply and see in your lawn to understand the coverage youre getting when spreading your seed. It also requires little to no fertilization and is completely drought resistant. She is a master gardener and master naturalist. 1) Is Trifolium repens L. var. The guy with bluegrass had his sprinklers going every day, I watered my lawn deeply about once per week, and so did the neighbor with micro-clover. However,the characteristics of clover species differ. White cloveror Dutch white clover(Trifolium repens)is a perennial plant, native to Europe, which often shows up in lawns by way of seed dispersal. A ten-pound bag of micro clover seeds costs, on average, $450. Should You Ever Let Your Lawn Go to Seed. You won't have to mow a lot due to the clover growth. Removing your existing lawn would be the first step if you want a full-coverage micro clover lawn. There are many different types of Vert, however, and the type affecting the trees may be different than the type that would affect clover. Mowing microclover is important because it encourages the plants to form their characteristic tight, miniature habit. Blending can also help compensate for the fact that in some zones, micro clover will go dormant in winter and turn brown. Penn State College of Agricultural Sciences. I recommend using the back of a leaf rake for this. Grab her free lawn care cheat-sheet: What to Do When - Take the Guesswork Out of Lawn Care, or upgrade your garage by browsing her favorite DIY lawn care products. I basically just want a really low maintenance thick green lawn thats dense with SOMETHING perennial and highly drought resistant, but I dont know what to plant. Red Clover Red clover has excellent seedling vigor and larger seed than white clover, which facilitates drilling it into existing grass pastures. So, without further adieu, here are some reasons why you might want (or might not want) to grow a micro clover lawn. Whether it be the latest designer Microclover or good ol standard white Dutch clover, youll be doing your lawn a favor either way. To add clover to an existing lawn, first mow the lawn closely and remove thatch, which will help the seed reach the soil surface, recommends the Farmers Almanac. I'm looking into overseeding my current lawn with clover for the multiple benefits that clover offers. What does clover look like? Interestingly enough, (I wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it) I was in a pasture today where the landowner is following his cattle with chickens. It is also perfect for being planted between paving stones, and looks great, too. Small test plantings are inexpensive and can provide much insight that can help with species selection decisions in future years. In general, it is considered a perennial crop, although some of its longevity may be attributed to its own reseeding capability. Check the amount of sunlight your area receives before planting using a sunlight calculator. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The Teeny-Tiny Clover Trend: Does Microclover Live Up to the Hype? Among the benefits of having and maintaining a clover lawn, clover is visually interesting.

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