Anyone elses judgement of what is valuable, or not, is subjective TO THEM, and thus not relevant to somebody elses circumstances. Strong women, or alpha females, are exactly that: strong women who are incredible leaders, with alpha traits that are inherently a part of who she is and come across in everything she does. Last I looked, the thread had 425comments and replies. Besides, it should be a PERSONAL CHOICE, irrespective of gender, as to whether a person wants a career, or wants to stay at home and raise babies. So "bossy" was a way to cast a woman as unfeminine and unnatural. And as I read somewhere recently, if you think men dont start drama, you need to pick up a history book. Feelings are for everyone. Thank you for this article! I was speaking to a friend today and she has just started a new job. I was also told to I usually start off the lesson with a list of descriptive words and encourage my students to decide which gender they would normally associate them. Earlier today, I suggested an alternate solution to a coworker. How a Racist Insult Inspired the Very Asian Foundation, Project Dandelion Spreads the Seeds for Climate Justice, National Womens History Museum Exhibit Opens at MLK Library, Creating Ways to Celebrate Kindness with the Runway of Hope. When men and women display the same behaviours in, say, a workplace, men are much more likely to be called assertive confident, powerful or a strong leader, while women get this list. Never heard it used toward a man. (No, its not because I didnt ask for a raise, I did- he didnt have to, it was just offered to him because he had/has potential.) Swap these words for gender neutral ones: Blogger. I was highly academic, but got labelled swot and teachers pet. Words used to describe women: Fat Skinny Skinny-fat DitzFlakeHoeWhore ButterfaceSlut BossyBitchy Words that define a woman:None of the above This is an article about language used against women. If people feel angry I am ok with what they feel but i never have to subject myself to emotional abuse by listening to their right to have their voice heard. I have worked hard all my life (3 degrees) and have received no help from any of my family, only criticism. Your information on the gender pay gap is simply incorrect. Thats illegal. For more on this, I really love Andie Foxs practice: A little while ago while sitting on the beach I realised how good I am at picking faults in womens bodies, my own included of course but thats not really so surprising because I know my own body very well and Ive been living in a misogynist world, oh all my life. The only reason I can think of that she does this is because I am a lot thinner than her! Theres a lot of power in words, and its just not true that sticks and stones can break your bones but words will never hurt you. We thought not. 2. Chick Why is it when a woman is strong and advocates her rights as an equal human men automatically are threatened and attempt to gaslight.? You see no point in mincing your words. As we start to attribute characteristics as more male or more female this is where the challenges. We can all learn from each other. I read your reply, and felt a pang of upset, because it reminded me of some very personal experiences of being insulted in a sexist way by NURSES, SOME OF WHOM WERE MALE. 6. When we see our family, I am not allowed to talk about my career. 'Pushy' Is Used to Describe Women Twice as Often as Men - The Atlantic Business 'Pushy' Is Used to Describe Women Twice as Often as Men An analysis by a Georgia State University linguist. The Missus Why do you care? Person B: Sexual violence exists on a pyramid. Faced with these atrocities it can feel petty to gently challenge the unequal use of the word abrasive but the same system perpetuates both behaviours and its all based on the same flawed logic. Contact us. Baps She said, Im so glad theres more guys in this job hopefully it will be less bitchy. As a woman in tech with the exact same (down to college and post-grad university) credentials as my husband I can tell you that our salaries have never been close, even while working for the same (progressive) company in the same position at the same time. Airhead, n. Usually refers to someone, male or female, who is simple-minded and vapid. Or maybe a male nurse, or homemaker who has perhaps felt uncertainty about the choices he made? So, get your facts straight! I was labelled a tomboy because I played cricket, ran about a lot, and liked climbing and cycling and judo. Pushy: Most recently, used to describe a remarkably accomplished woman whose high standards and willingness to insist on them aggressively just kinda rubs colleagues the wrong way. Host called senior colleague a C-word in text message obtained by lawyers as part of Dominion lawsuit Tucker Carlson's firing from Fox News came after he used vulgar language to describe a . Bolshy. ), WAHM (Work-at-home mum): As Katie Macintyre wrote, When I work from home Im a working from home Mum. Your email address will not be published. Im so grateful that in the 21st centuary doctors are being trained differently than they were when i was a child and Im very pleased that I can stand my ground with the doctors despite being unwell and stressed. Nut-crusher Hey, thick ankles by the way. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Equivalent to the medical term oophorectomy theres no judgement there, its just a descriptive term. Finally, my WHOLE family have constantly failed to support me, undermined my achievements, thwarted my progress, and constantly insulted me. 5. I know loveable curmudgeons but Ive never heard of a loveable harridan. Here are some examples of words that can be used to describe strong women: Resilient: a woman who is able to bounce back from adversity and challenges. E.g. The suggestion is that the man plants his seed in the woman. I object to the assessment and have never heard a man accused of scolding. Sexism. A white guy trying to emulate a black rapper with overtly sexist, hateful lyrics. I live in New Zealand, and I would definitely not describe it as hypersensitive to offence. Sarah recently postedThailand wrap up. It is important to mature from 20th centuary concept of feminism and ways of dealing with it as it can harm and keep us stuck in unintentional models of patriarchy that is unfair to both men and women and the generations they are raising. A special thank you to my very favourite satirical Twitter account, @manwhohasitall, some of whose gems have been turned into graphics on Facebook, reproduced below. When letters make sounds that aren't associated w One goose, two geese. Good. I am a minister who serves a mainline tradition in the U.S., a tradition that has been ordaining women for a century. I feel that this may be an integral part of homo sapiens behaviour. This term discourages women from taking on leadership roles, especially when men who exhibit the same "bossy" behaviors are lauded as leaders and rewarded with promotions. Its terms like this which conditioned me into thinking men were superior. If you consider yourself a misunderstood, independent woman, the following probably describes you. This person has a cordial relationship with all of the employees, which makes the workspace a positive place for everyone. Hen Bit of stuff You may like to do some further reading. There is a serious problem in the healthcare industry where female patients are assumed to be dramatic or hysterical about their symptoms (or their childrens) , and this can be very, very costly. I think accepting people as they are and educate with heart using masculine and feminine aspects of ourselves is helpful. Gold Digger. My father also insulted my interest in things like ballet, theatre, museums and art galleries by variously calling these interests pretentious, snobby, stuck up and arty-farty. I have also heard wench used similarly-but thats a little more obvious. Typically used in the workplace. Then I saw all these celebs gushing over how much of a genius Eminem was. Women leaders often report being called "aggressive" or "bossy" by superiors or peers. Actually she was highly intelligent and accomplished beyond belief and her mind just raced forward and she didnt have time for bullshit because of her enormous workload. Youre just offended! Perhaps you should have a look at the book The Dance Of Anger by Harriet Lerner, a book in which she describes gender role stereotyping, and the language that is sued to frame it. We are going to talk about this tomorrow, I cant wait! Language makes a difference in how we think and act, and we can train ourselves to stop using words with negative connotations, too many of which are focused on women. Also: shrill and strident, both of which imply high-pitched and. Check out her stuff for more nuance: On the economics of divorce:What Scott Morrison fails to understand about how divorce affects women, The truth about how your home life interferes with your work life, On in/equality in parenting(This one hitmelike a train.). Seriously. Grow up Why this insult? Fluff Pancake chest Lady lumps So, do you have a woman who is dominating or harsh or strict, then you can call her bossy. 9. EAT THAT! Horrors! The point being, however, that society is erring when it tries to suggest that such things are exclusively female roles this is what Feminists try to point out. Fried egg tits So, abusive language directed at women might encompass unladylike sexual behavior, such as whore, slut, skank, pussy, cunt, dyke, twat, etc. Women were traditionally supposed to be nurturing and supportive and to help the group. So bossy was a way to cast a woman as unfeminine and unnatural. Forward. Oh, an old woman said it? If we need to speak about poor behaviour, lets choose words that are not unfairly gendered. Great list! Im a little surprised MILF didnt make the list. (this from a person who learned medical terminology as part of training to be a medical office assistant, and again later in training to be a pharmacist). 5. The same happened to me. No sexist comments will be published. On this page you'll find 35 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to bossy, such as: imperious, overbearing, pushy, authoritarian, commanding, and controlling. 2023. Pingback: Secondary Research for the short film A2 Media Advanced Portfolio. I too have sexist parents and inlaws. But, they should start calling everyone boss and chief or just switch to sir and madam. Males were created good; females were created bad. Get a life Her indoors In any case, we hope you are now able to express what you feel about them. Or that we should place value on x, y, or z. This is the favourite term of disparagement in my workplace towards any female manager who has a vision she wants to implement. Stop using these words, eh? The Missus Dont mention her young children unless you would also mention his, or describe her clothes unless you would describe his, or say shes shrill or attractive unless the same adjectives would be applied to a man. Men are encouraged to wear wedding rings as to appear stable. I bet there are plenty more that women would like to rename or reclaim, since pretty much everyone doing the anatomical, physiological and medical naming over the years has been male. Therefore they have subjected me my whole life to sexism in the form of overt, and veiled, comments, as follows. This is true equality in action. Interesting. Am I wrong for wanting to work hard and achieve? Women have so much sexual and psychological power, most men are fucking terrified, just take a look at the red pill blogs, its thousands of scared little 40 year old boys.

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