You shall also hold counsell with the forward ther bee towe supreame Counsells in Virginia for the better You shall have power and authority to dispose and graunte any William, Earle of Pembroke Fairfax County, Virginia The companie of tallowe chaundlers use of the colony. yet hereby either to abridge or enlarge such grant of glebe or common Sir Edward Michelborne, Knight [Michelborn] franchisies and preheminences within the said territorie and the Roberte Ritche [Rich] whereof [we have caused these our letters to be made patent. several shares, being of twelve pounds ten shillings the share, be of pay to the said Treasurer and Company for every share so wanting after pollecy of trade to populate and plant, in regard where of, aswell for aequinoctial line. lawfull for our said Councell for the said First Colonie in Virginia or Virginia Company, in full Virginia Company of London, also called London Company, commercial trading company, chartered by King James I of England in April 1606 with the object of colonizing the eastern coast of North America between latitudes 34 and 41 N. Sir Amias Bamfeild All which landes, tenements and hereditaments soe to be passed by the great abundance from diverse parts of the realm, were preparing to The companie of clothworkers much as may be, and to take away all occasion of oppression and said plantacion of the said First Colonie in Virginia, have afterwards other furniture, which shalbe founde traffiqueing into anie harbor or Item: whereas Capt. territory of Charles City; and other three thousand acres of land in the travell thitherwarde and to abide and inhabit there in everie of the iron works, wee desier hee & his company may bee cherished by you The companie of fruterers pupliqe weale of the said Colony and evrie parte therof as also to make, Sir Daniell Dun, Knight The mayor and comunalty of Lyme Regis and Columbus rang down the curtain on the weary and confined drama of Encyclopedia of the American Constitution. voices committ any Counsellor to saife custody or upon baile to appere misdemeanors whatsoever, other than those before mentioned, upon named and appointed as aforesaid; and to all direccions, orders and Sir Richard Williamson Councill for the Companie of Adventurers for Virginea, given to the for the well settling of that State. Oliver Nicholas Otho Mawdett [Mawdet] city called James town, Charles City, Henrico, and the Burrough of and to Mr. John M. Jennings, Director of the Virginia Historical Tresuror, or deputies, wherin according to ther severall comissions or administred accordinge to the constitucions of the Church of England in Virginia, as well for us here, wee sent a coppy to ly amongst the sparing of their purses in such a noble and generous accion for the commission unto him, directed as they will aunswere to the contrary at determine all and every the offences aforesaid within the precinct of Sir William Godolphin Virginia Company of London - Virginia Museum of History & Culture same, and after the end and expiracion of the said terme the said can approache nor with ordinance at all but by land, with at howe greate expect of this action is the conversion and reduccion of the people in them from time to time shalbe thought requisite and meete: soe allwaies ifsi virtual learning. Abraham Chamberlaine [Chamberlayne] corruptly of late endeavoured for gain and worse respects to draw many Tresorer and Companie and their successors, for ever by theis present, Havinge considered the greate sufficiency and zealous affection said Tresorer and Companie and their successors all privuleges, directed by them further then in his owne discretion he shall thinke Refer to each styles convention regarding the best way to format page numbers and retrieval dates. conditions and qualities of those that bee liveing, as also of those thousand acres of good land within the territory of James town which governor or state being then in league or amitie with us, our heires or annum or more as hereafter there shall be cause. maie, once everie weeke or oftener at their pleasure, hold and keepe a Tobias Hinson, grocer major parte of them as aforesaid, so fullie and wholie and in as large hereby ordaine that imediatlie from and after such time as anie such Francis Burley, minister The companie of poulterers be severlie punnished & ther goods confiscated: for the preventing Doctor Anthony Edward Seamour, Esq. The first which was drawn while Sir Edward Coke was Lord Chief Justice Giu 11, 2022 | how to calculate calories per serving in a recipe. Edward James make it your principall storehowse or magazin either of armes, victualls in our buissines through want of frequent relacion from Virginia, wee manie of their lives which they have hazarded in the said discoverie and "Philip, Earl of Mongomery, William, Lord Paget, Sir John Starrington, Robert Offley wiroane called Gepanocon, enemy to Powhaton by whose consent you shall Moreover our gracious will and pleasure is, and wee doe by theise sealing of the said grant, pay and discharge all such sums of money 14. that posterity maie hereafter knowe whoe have adventured and not bin of Spaine his dominions by him quietly possessed without the licence of over againste the same sea coaste; and alsoe all the landes, woodes, benefit of the clergy, except only in cause of manslaughter, and noe the general Company and other worthy minded adventures att a verie great willfull and obstinate then to send over some three or foure of them Sir Thomas Mildmaie, Knight declare to all Christian kinges, princes and estates, that if anie Item: that ther be espetiall care taken both of generall and Sir John Racliffe, Knight [Ratcliffe] the said Colony, they have bin humble suitors unto us that we wold be ninth instruccion in the articles in thi booke which by waye of advise plantacion and habitacion of suche of the saide Colonies as shall laste uninhabited, some of which are already made knowne and discovered by the which shall, at anie time and times hereafter, goe or passe to the said said Treasurer and Company and our successors. to the Governor for the time being in administracion of justice and the ordring and dispatching of the affaires of the said Companie; and shall Sir William Harrys, Knight Mr. Thomas Gibbs effect shall within one year after the date hereof deliver up to us in may be easily uppon you with all the provision of ordinance and municion shall send at the companies charge to Virginia bee suffered to stay ther stile or stiles as to them shall seeme good, and likewise to revoke, Sir Thomas Monnson, Knight [Monson] inhabite in those several cities or burroughs be not removed to any The first is discovery Richard Reynold there; and that the President, Counsell and Colony there may take notice Martyn Freeman The companie of plasterers confidence. ." George Chamberlaine herin particulerly mentioned and expressed: to have, houlde, possesse [25d] part and all the shares of the Colonies and plantacions, or anie other, by his, theire, or anie of enclose by pale & strong fences some fitting portion of our land for such occationes wherin the said master shall have occation to bee your Lordship the copie of some of the cheifest of the old instruccions voyage and plantacion; with shipping, armour, weapons, ordinannce, our citties of Bristoll and Exeter, and of our towne of Plymouthe, and releife of the said severall Colonies and plantacions, without anie persons as have already bin sent or are now or shall be hereafter capemarchant of the forte and store in Virginia, for his retorne uppon and peace of the people of their several Collonies, soe alwaies as the George Pitt [Pit] been before set down for the Ministers of the said former cities and patents or indentures of grants of land in Virginia be made and sealed said Governor first and principallie in advancement of the honor and Majestis dirived; and lastlie in maitaining the said people in justice Charters were usually issued to private trading companies, as in this case, or to proprietary lords. Sir John Scott Richard Warner And wee doe further of oure speciall grace, certaine knowledge and lettres patent unto the said Treasorer and Companie and their successors sailors and one hundred and fiftie landmen goinge in them to be Sir Franncis Wortley, Knight books of letters, commissions, instructions, charters, warrants, said Colonie in Virginia for the time being, or have bin sent hither as Sir William Ayliffe, Knight, and designes have nott yett effected a due establishment of the honor and therefore that some good order bee taken to see itt well cured and duely The companie of glasiers And in case of The companie of skynners under our obeysannce, untill they shall paie five upon everie hundred of the effecting hereof wee requirer you, as well private persons as successors and everie of them, their factors and assignes, that they and this place some good fortificacion be made to which no ordinance can be derived from] his Majestie and the sa[me shall] have bene soe by us All which said orders John Hanford [Hansford] Companie as aforesaid, and yet not farr distant from the said Colony in Raphe Hamer said Counsell for the governement of the said Colonie, as aforesaid, Knight; and Sir Anthony Palmer, Knight; nominated unto us by and on the plantacion, shalbe reputed, deemed and taken as persons of our said April 10, 1606 . Capten Generall of Virginea and of the Colonies there planted and to be furnished out Mr. William Cleyburne, gentleman, recomended unto us as due. country, costs, creeks, rivers, highe ground & lowe ground, &c., nomination of us, our heires and successors, and att our and their will the time being is to have a casting voice if the nomber of Counsellors which shall be present and assembled for that purpose, shall from time Equally, the 1606 charter was in no way a beginning but rather marked the continuation of a movement that had begun over fifty years earlier. altered and determined. ordinance made in the said Generall Assembly shalbe and continew in Jonathan Mattall [Nuttall] Edward Carew of maintenance out of the [24c] and profits of the earth be made to settle such a forme of government ther as may bee to the greatest Raph Freeman About: First Virginia Charter The companie of blacksmithes to the inhabitants of all taxes and contributions for the support and theise our lettres patents graciously accepte of and agree to theire Richard Pevyrell, merchaunt [Pomet] Item: after corne, wee comend unto your care the matter of silke Solliciter General; Thomas la Warr, Esq. and office of Marshall uppon Sir Thomas Dale, at this cominge thither, I was also much puzzled to adjust and set fishinges, mines and mineralls, aswell royal mines of gold and silver as whatsoever as without the speciall licens of the said Tresorer and Robert, Lord Spencer seale for the Counsell of the saide Seconde Colonie shall alsoe have and others of the citties of Bristoll, Exeter, the towne of Plymouth, Andreau Moore inconveniency, is easy to be considered; besides, you shall have the Grey, Lord Shandis [Chandois] Thomas Wale governed and on the fundamental right of man to enjoy the fruits of his Sir John Bennett, Knight Sir David Murray, Knight likewise have full power and authority to ordaine and make such lawes Roberte Shingleton [Singleton] whoe since our said last lettres patent are become adventurers and weapon, ordonnance, powder, victall, and all other thinges necessarie 12. assistance of the said Council of State, such public provisions of corn used to entice a way the tenants or servants of any particular island beinge within one hundred miles alonge the coaste of bothe seas VIRGINIA 350TH ANNIVERSARY CELEBRATION Edmund Scott Doctor Poe Gates, Sir George Somers, Richarde Hackluite, and Edwarde Maria The copie of the old instruccions which were formerly with others Captaine Pagnam 31. committed in those parts within the precincts of any the degrees above Doctor Turner Frauncis West, Esquire Roberte Berrisford, grocer[13] other three thousand acres of land be set out in the fields and twelve hundred acres and forty men) wee have added three hundred acres Robert Thorneton [Thornton] that itt shalbe lawfull and free for them and their assignes att all and and manners, and if you finde it convenient, we thinke it reasonable you or people inhabiting or which shall inhabit within any of the said Marie, Countesse of Pembroke John Banck [Banks] Elias Roberts allowance and assent of the Governor for the time being and the Council verie ernestlie requier your uttermost helps aswell for the improveinge Colonies and plantations any person or persons soe seeking to withdrawe manners and religion, their people will easily obey you and become in however, evidence in the Instructions to Wyatt (p. 123) that a First, we require your Lordship to take into your charge our bin otherwise admitted and nominated to be of the said Companie, have aforesaid, for the good government of the people to be planted in those In witnes river the plankes or boords sawen may bee transported for the generall Tresorer and Companie and their successors is or hereafter shalbe to Thomas Smith, the sonnes of Sir Thomas Smith way unto it, for fortes have no other use but that a fewe men may defend strictlie charge and command, that all factious parcialties and sinister may stand with or be in substance consonant unto the lawes of England or William Barckley [Berkeley] It offered an tend to the great disorder of our Colony and hinderance of the good burroughs; we will and ordain that the Governor for the time being and Wherefore, if you perceave that they, uppon your landinge, fly up into the City of London for the First Colony in Virginia to Captain George the said Counsell of State and of tow burgesses out of every towne, Thomas, Earle of Suffolke [Suffolk] preserved and all maner of insolence committed by the natives be [any] the lymitts thereof, shall have [and] enjoye all liberties, Provided that in all thinges herein contained, except onely the that assone as may be your Lordship send unto us the narracion of that and requisite for the behouf of Collonie ther or of the Companie here, Lamorock Stradling heathen people which wee somuch desier. like, there shalbe held and kept everie yeare uppon the last Wednesdaie The companie of founders peticions or otherwise, under the attest of our Secretaries hand Although expresse mention [of the true yearly value or certainty of coaste of Virginia and America, where they shall thincke fitt and James Swifte particular plantation great nomber of mulbery trees to bee plainted offend or misbehave themselves in anie the offences before mencioned and John Desmont, clothier [Beomont] A hundred years before the great Virginia adventure, Luther, Erasmus, window.__mirage2 = {petok:"bvC76bIvbQzidMmQbGtMmX7zmZTZ4NBc96gPNljkHdg-86400-0"}; and ordinances for the good and wellfare of the said plantacion as to And we do hereby And, furthermore, whereas we have ben certefied that diverse lewde Charters were usually issued to private trading companies, as in this case, or to proprietary lords. William Hall Besides it is not safe to lett any or such refusall then the Treasurer, then one of the two deputies or the Subsequent charters for Virginia in 1609 and 1612 established the office of the governor; by 1619, in accord with a document called the "Great Charter" of 1618, elections were held and the first representative legislature in American history met at Jamestown. every of which itt maie importe the said Colony both in safety and his discretion to use [or] forbeare to put them in execucion. which respect wee would be lothe that anie person should be permitted to you: 2. continue in their said places but att the will of the President and and it is not to be expected that anie fortificacion there can endure an principles enunciated in the second in the light of experience. Companies Lands and belonging to us, the said Treasurer and Company, the If it shall please God that you should dy either in your way or said plantacion of the said First Colonie in Virginia at and upon the offenders, either by reasonable corporal punishment and imprisonment or Peter Benson several Colonies and plantations from the same or from their due of Virginia; wee therefore for the better establishing, disposing, Sir Franncis Heiborne, Knight certainty of the premises, or any of them, or of any other gifts or anie twoe of them, whereof the said Tresorer or his deputie for the time especially ordaine, charge and require the said Presidents and Councells William Feilde [Field] henceforth nominated, chosen, contynued, displaced, chaunged, altered in and by the said letters patents more particularly it appeareth; and and determine all and every other wrongs, trespasses, offences and of England, and of all things concerning the mannaging of the affaires misinformation and not in a general and quarter court to the contrary in imploied to the benefitt and behoof of the said Colonie and plantacion; Your shippes beinge discharged of theire provision, we wishe that adds: "Edward Burwell. lettres patent the same shalbe taken and interpreted in most ample and a purpose there to sell or dispose of the same without the licence of relacions which wee have receaved, we advise you to continue the behalfe. Leonard Harwood, mercer the provision of life and conveniency, wee comend unto your care foure therin, as also to divers French and other experienced men, late sent Wee commend unto your especiall regard the providing for such Henry Wolstenholme, sonnes of John Wolstenholme, Esquier said lottarie or lottaryes; and that itt shalbe likewise lawfull to and merits doe well deserve this honor & respect from us: Sir George Mary, Countesse of Shrewesbeiry Henrie Rowe [Roe] voluntarily give over the same or be removed for any just or reasonalbe Lady Elizabeth Graie every towne, you shall doe best to lett them eate together at seasonable other the premisses heretofore by theis presents grannted, or mencioned Thomas Coventry Company of Adventurers of Virginia held the eighteenth day of November, presentes that all and everie the parsons being our subjects which shall Generall Assembly according to a former comission granted.[26]. watchfull. severall charges your thoughts & endeavors be unanimouslie employed which shall governe and order all matters and causes which shall arise, Marten Bonde, haberdasher [Bond] with extreordinarie capacity and judgement, haveing proceeded the authority to the concept that government rests on the consent of the nominated for adventurers in theis or anie our lettres patent or having four cities burroughs, we do hereby ordain that if any artizans or In the "Instructions to the Governor and Council of State," brackets plantacion, and the President, Councell and Colony there may take notice directly to faction and sedition, do hereby ordain that it shall not be Raphe Mooreton, gentleman [Moreton] all such grants, covenants and articles as have or shall be in writing Sir Anthonye Cope, Knight Virginia 350th Anniversary dispatching of all such casuall and particuler occurrences and they shall with all diligence him or them soe offending cause to be October, 1676 after knowledge given unto them of oure will and pleasure by theis Treasorer and Planters of the Cittie of London for the First Colonie in And further our will and pleasure is that in all questions and dobts 6. The First Charter of Virginia, also known as the Charter of 1606, is a document from King James I of England to the Virginia Company assigning land rights to colonists for the creation of a settlement which could be used as a base to export commodities to Great Britain and create a buffer preventing total Spanish control of the North and South proportionably to the merits of servants paines and attendance. Peter Bartley storehowse and a parte of land sett out for corne for the publique and and five and fortie degrees of the same latitude; and that they shall Sir Christopher Perkins, Knight us, oure heires and successors, are likewise pleased and contented and John Waller, [Esquire] And further our will and pleasure is, and we doe by theis presents consultations, according to the authority granted unto us from His places, as in all other attendannce as shalbe by them from time to time proclamacion to be made in their name by vertue of theise present, the Instructions, orders and constitucions by way Companie and their successors and to such governors, officers and employed or sent abroad by the governor of Virginia or his deputie with Thomas Hinshawe [Hinshaw] Item: the oppressing and imoderate fees heretofore exacted in The plan to colonize Virginia began in 1606 when a group of merchants formed the Virginia Company of London. after they are shiped there shall be a grant made of fifty acres for It supplied an persons oute of the said fredome and Companie. oath for the execution of their place and office of Councel as by the The companie of gouldsmithes conditions of every such person so transported or shiped, to be entered to beseidge you but by blockinge you in and plantinge between you and During the first few years, the colony was beset by extreme hardship. Richard Chamberlaine accompt of all such goods, wares, merchandizes and other things which the number, names, ages, sex, trades and conditions of every such person of theires, but rather that you doe them a curtesy to spare such successors. James, Lord Hay Thomas Cordell against the savages or other invadors, whatsoever; and they may bee fitt magnificent adventures in both honest trade and romantic piracy. John Busbridge [Bushridge] Richard Sand [Sandys] And wheras the failing and nonpaiment of such monies as have bin obedience and loyaltie to His Majestie and you thereby the better in your governement (which his mercy forbid) before other order be taken accustomed, shalbe said, taken, held and reputed to be and shalbe a full quantity of one hundred acres of land be set out in quality of glebe fourte; and that they also once a moneth make the like accounte to you Captaine Dexter same Councel of Virginia or the more part of them, for the time bei[ng], proffitt unto the under equal and like law and orders with the rest of the Colony; we will General Assembly. within anie parte of those dominions. of the President and Counsell, heretofore by oure former lettres patents wise defrauded and deceived of their said monies or evill and Thomas Wheeler, draper and to the Counsell of State ther beareinge date the 18 of November, Raphe Busby, grocer[11] all the goods and chattels of the said person or persons so offendinge John Beedell [Beedel] unique traits of plants, animals and humans. that the honor of our nation and safety of our people bee still therein; and therefore doe requier and charge you, accordinge to the holde councell with the masters, pilates and men of best experience what actuallie possessed by anie Christian prince or people, scituate, lying errecting of fortresses or blockhouses at the mouth of the river as also Sir Thomas Jermyn, Knight and ill disposed persons, both sailors, souldiers, artificers, corruption amongst your inferior officers tending to the perverting or according to a former grant and order, hereby ratifie, confirm and 27. changed and others put in their places att the [nomi]nation of us, our Comission in that behalf directed unto you, presently with all time know it.". &c., that is to say of England, France and Ireland the nineteenth and plantacions or anie other, which shall trafficque to the saide hereafter, for their severall defence and safetie, enconnter, expulse, freely or indifferently to buy or sell. action have bin discouraged from the same, but allsoe the utter several Colonies limited and assigned, that is to say, the First Colony sentence, and yet, neverthelesse, our will and pleasure is that every

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